
Hello everyone!

I’m releasing a small update mainly for a couple of optimization changes that will hopefully improve your framerate by a lot and therefore have a smoother experience with the game.

I hope those changes will help you enjoy the game a little more. Have fun and see you in the next devlog!

You can find the download link and password in the release post from SubscribeStar or PixivFANBOX.

If you want to ask questions, share your thoughts, follow the game progress or just talk with us, join the Official Discord Server!


  • Characters animations are now disabled when they are not visible by the camera
  • Reduced physics frames
  • Changed default deadzone to 0.2 for all inputs
  • Moved notifications to the left side of the screen
  • Added “+” prefix to picked up items notifications (e.g. Ropes +2)
  • Focus grabbing in the UI should now work for both mouse and keyboard and controller making navigation feel a little more polished.


  • Fixed shape customization screen not usable with controllers
  • Fixed tape and cleave gag being incompatible
  • Fixed camera rotation not FPS independent (sorry about that)
  • Fixed character still aiming when tied up if toggle aim setting is enabled
  • Fixed characters staying laying/crawling after untying themselves
  • Fixed context menu appearing on mouse position
  • Fixed context menu first button sometimes doesn’t have focus
  • Fixed occasional crash with quick access menu
  • Fixed shape customization screen and context menu visible when changing page in character menu
  • Added small delay if an AI needs to drop a character right after capturing them to hopefully fix the legs not being restricted by the restraints.

Get THEg

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